Wednesday, January 17, 2007

This is NOT mine.

Jen and I went out to lunch on Saturday and as I stepped out of the car I saw this on the ground by my feet. My first childish thought was "Ew, pee residue on my shoes". Once we got in the diner and sat down I told Jen about seeing the smashed EPT at my feet. Then I told her about a post on my (favorite) cousin's MySpace and how she almost stepped on a condom outside of Starbucks. Don't people own bathrooms anymore? Jen and I sat there laughing about what kind of person takes a pregnancy test in a diner parking lot... did they sit in the dark waiting for the result? Squat in the parking lot to take a pregnancy test? And the results? Obviously not favorable given the state of the poor helpless test stick. And then what, chuck it out the window and drive away?

Seriously... what kind of person does that?