Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Dear Drive thru guy,
Do you seriously need to see my license because my signature is worn off of my credit card? If it was stolen I wouldn't be risking incarceration for a #6 Large with Pibb (that's right). You handed me back my card before you even checked the license, and didn't make me sign anything. You have truly earned the Ass.Magr rank that is sharpied onto your name tag. Good Job.

Dear Credit card company,
1/2 inch, would it really be too hard to move the signature strip down 1/2 inch? Do you not use credit cards? Really people.

Dear Liz,
Carry cash (but enjoy the Pibb)


Anonymous said...

I dare say...I concur

But at the same time its probably more for Liability reasons then anything.

Its the same reason I checked IDs at the Movie theater,

1)I knew Ashly was watching...she she doesn't play nice..

2) I could get into trouble for letting people in under age....So I wanna be sure