Thursday, December 18, 2008

You're getting coal buddy!

Have you seen this commercial for Betty Crocker Sugar Cookies? Lemme tell ya something... if that were MY kid, he wouldn't be getting shit for Christmas throwing a fit like that. He makes me want to chuck cookies at his little head.

PS. Every day I am amazed at how accessible media is on the internet. I wanted to show you the exact commercial that annoyed me and here it is! It's so great to be able to do that. Plus, there's porn! Oh, crap, my mom reads this... uh... hey Mom look over here... FLASHY THING (like in Men in Black).


Anonymous said...

I'll hold 'em, you hit him!! So annoying! Little brat. ;)

Drew "Druman" McLain said...

I ain't playin with you E! Did you ever Flashy Thing me?!?

La Rivera said...

hahaha... You said "porn" in front of Mom!

Anonymous said...

Yes....I would have smacked that kid.

and porn? PORN?! There is no porn on the internets! *Shift eyes*

And....and its not mine!

And Drew she has....I'v seen it....

Jennifer said...

I like porn...what?