Sunday, January 25, 2009

Book Shopping - Buy These Books

1. How to Eat by Nigella Lawson - the prawn cake recipe is fantastic.

2. The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff - An introduction to Taoism told through the stories of Winnie the Pooh. Very enjoyable.

3. The Art of Racing in the Rain - by Garth Stein. Great book about life told from a dog's point of view. An excellent book that I read in 1 sitting cover to cover.

4. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil - No Mere, I don't still have your copy I swear.

5. 101 Classic Love Poems - Diane gave me this book many years ago. Shakespeare, Dickinson, Keats and many others weave sappy tales of love and devotion.

6. It by Stephen King. This is my desert island book. I've read it over a dozen times, my record being 4 straight days on the beach and nights on the porch when I lived down the shore. If you're not a fan of thick books (or clowns) Misery is equally as well written and captivating.

*Blog title #37 from 100 Blog Topics I Hope You Write.


Jennifer said...

In response to Book #4...Meredith knows how to read? :)

Liz Anne said...

Oh... snap! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Loved #4!


Anonymous said...

I'm going to get "It" now. I love Stephen King's old stuff, but never read it. Now I will go get it. Thanks.