Tuesday, November 03, 2009

It's really human of you to listen to all my bullshit.

I think part of the reason I haven't been posting a lot lately is because it seems like I've been in a perpetual bad mood for the past few months. I don't know what it is, and I can't shake it. Anything can set me off too; long hours, slow drivers and generally ignorant people, I'm magnets for all of them. Even looking for a subject line for my blog tonight managed to piss me off. That I blame on PMS.... So, instead of sharing my joy I'll share with you just a little clip from one of my favorite John Hughes movies, Weird Science. I managed to find one with Robert Downey Jr. in it :)

John Hughes movie quote week on both my blog and Cousin Jennifer's. My subject line is from Sixteen Candles.


Jennifer said...

I've been a Miss Grouchy-Pants myself. I'm trying to be better...

Happy Me said...

You're not alone! I've shared the same general attitude recently!

toni said...

oh crap, Queen of Shit lately. I'm so tired of myself I can't stand it. No need to share with everyone else, I've been thinking. :)