Thursday, November 05, 2009

Merry Christmas, kiss my ass. Kiss his ass. Kiss your ass

I recently confided in my BFF something I swore to her I would deny, but have decided to share with you... I got a little Chirstmassy feeling walking through a store's holiday section in OCTOBER. Normally I would rant and rave about how since it hadn't yet even been Halloween these kind of decorations are inappropriate and out way too early. Mind you I was telling this to a woman who loves Christmas so much that her tree is usually up through January. She smiled and giggled at this revelation.

However, I saw 3 commercials yesterday with Christmas music in them and have already been informed that there's like less than 50 shopping days left until Christmas. Stores are already packed with Christmas stuff and I'm sure some people already have their shopping done. I have a theory about these people. These people are the ones who rush right into Christmas head on, and then on December 31 they are like "where has this year gone?". Well, if you'd have spent some time enjoying the fall and then giving thanks in November instead of treating October as the beginning of the Christmas season and rushing right to December 25 maybe the last quarter of the year wouldn't seem like it just flew by like reindeer over Jon Gosslin's house. Don't rush through life kids, enjoy it as it comes.

"There is more to life than increasing its speed."
~Mahatma Gandhi

Blog title from my all time favorite John Hughes and Christmas movie, Christmas Vacation.


Happy Me said...

Okay -- confession -- my Christmas shopping is almost done and we picked up our Christmas cards last weekend. However, I enjoy shopping early because I can take my time in the stores, they are less crowded and my fellow shoppers are nicer. Getting the shopping done early also allows me more time to do what I love the best - baking all kinds of yummy Christmas treats, watching Christmas specials, spending time with friends and family at various Christmas parties that pop up at the spur of the moment, and having a very laid back Christmas week :-)

Like a very old commercial used to say "Try it! You'll like it!" ;-)

Liz Anne said...

See Darcie, you have the right idea though. You get the crappy retail part of Christmas out of the way so you can make some time to enjoy the season, not rush through it. That I fully support.

mug said...

Shitter's full!!! ;)

toni said...

I pulled up your blog and laughed so hard I almost blew a gasket. Thanks for that pic- and nice Jon Gosselin image, too.