Random fact about me you may not know... I want a yellow lab. I have wanted one for years and years. Right now, because we are renters, we can only have cats. Our plan right now is 1)Get the cats declawed and 2) As soon as we get a house buy 2 dogs. 2 dogs you ask? Why 2? Drew wants a Beagle. Before we met he shared a Beagle with "she who shall not be named" (hee hee) and that dog was just great. I met him and have to agree. However, I am not willing to give up my dream dog because I am stubborn and want to get my way. Hence, dogs=2.
Initially I was going to get one and call him "Yellow Dog" like Chevy Chase in Funny Farm. My loving husband, however, has vetoed the name. Whatever. So then, what the hell am I to call her? Sure, I can go under the assuption that when I pick out my beautiful, adorable Lab a name will hit me that will just fit her perfectly. But I need a backup plan and a few months ago it hit me. The perfect name for my dog-to-be ... Jersey. I am even more excited to get my blonde bundle of love now that I have a name that means something to give her... now if we could only stumble across $175k for a house.
Blog title from "Sandy". Don't forget to visit Cousin Jennifer's blog to see what Annie inspired title she has come up with tonight. Growing up Jennifer had an Annie album that we used to sing along to. It skipped during a part of this song "specially when you're all alone in the night and your small and terribly frightened it's Sandy... frightened it's Sandy... frightenend it's Sandy". She used to sing that part too <3.
Jersey is a great name for a dog! And two dogs are always better than one...it keeps them both humble and they don't get as lonesome. And I love, love, love the shout out to my skipping record. I can still sing that skip!
Trouble is one of my favorite! ;)
Two dogs is better than one -- they keep each other busy! Those are two of the best family breeds :-)
Our dog's official name is Maxwell Homer and our last name. I'll explain the story maybe in a post - but it is meaningful :-)
Jersey is awesome!!!
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