Here's my store after it was all packed. This picture was taken on Monday the 6th after Chris, Nikki and 4 guys from the warehouse loaded the entire truck. Nikki and I were "Grid Bitches" all day, hauling the metal grid right along with the guys onto the truck.
Thursday the 2nd was our "pack up" day where we inventoried and boxed up all the things in the store. Many members of my staff were there, some even did work. Friday we completed the pack up and waited for the truck. Some of my staff was there, most of them sitting around complaining. Once they found out that paychecks for that day were not coming to the store but had been mailed to their houses the work stopped completely. One by one there were stories of sick children and appointments that had been made. More than happy to see them go we continued working until we were ready for the truck... which screwed up the schedule and wasn't planning on being there until Monday. Thank God for Chris and Nikki or I'd still be there boxing stuff up. My staff walking out was a fitting conclusion to our season there. Not surprising at all.
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