Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Take a Load off Sally

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There's a commercial out where Sally Field is talking about how she has a friend that has to set aside time every week to take her osteoporosis medicine and tries to get people to switch to once a month Boniva. Seriously? How hard is this? Do people actually have problems with this.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love Sally. I loved her as Gidget, The Flying Nun, and Kiss Me Goodbye is one of my all time favorite movies (have you seen it, OMG it's great). I even liked her as Abby's crazy mom when she was on ER. I do think that Osteoporosis is a serious issue and I'm happy they have a kicky little spokesperson, but the commercial just... well.... it rubs me the wrong way. There are so many other points you could make about the medicine, why tout it as saving you 1.5 minutes a month? If you can't put aside 30 seconds a week to take a pill there are bigger issues going on in your life.