We ran out of Cascade for the dishwasher. We've had the house for 2 years, I think this is like the third time we've had to buy it. I never think of it because it seems a though somewhere under our sink is a never ending supply. However, we ran out, no big deal. Wash a dish. HA! Knowing my family I wrote a note and put it on the dishwasher "we are out of Cascade, please wash any dish you use". I underestimate them. You should see the lengths people in my house will go through, re-arranging dishes in the dishwasher just to fit in a dish so they don't have to wash it. It's like Tetris but with coffee mugs and pint glasses. Before the note however, Kaeleigh was being helpful and filled the soap reservoirs in the dishwasher with dish soap. Concentrated dish soap. I explained to her the possible Brady Bunch experience that could happen from this (suds all over, filling the room) so she scooped most of it out. Most of it. She also took it upon herself to wash all the dishes that were in there which I thought was really sweet.
Twice I've thought it was all cleaned out. Twice it's ended up looking like the picture above, floor covered in not the big foamy Brady Bunch sized suds but thin runny not nearly as much fun suds. The big foamy ones stayed in the dishwasher. Blah. Next time we'll use "SAFE" like Bobby Brady, bigger suds look like more fun.
Hahaha! How funny is it that just two days ago, having run out of dishwasher powder, I briefly considered using my dish soap! Jen suggested using white vinegar, and I said well I have some balsamic, and she said yeah I don't think that would work the same. I probably shouldn't admit I ran it with just hot water and a hot rinse, but I will admit I bought a new bottle of proper dishwasher stuff this morning.
Before I even scrolled down and saw the Brady Bunch clip, I thought of Bobby and the SAFE detergent. (Do you remember when the Brady's made the SAFE commercial?) But what do you expect from someone who is such a Brady geek that her brother brought her a taboo tiki from his honeymoon in Hawaii????
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