Monday, March 31, 2008

I read the news today oh boy

I am a blog addict. Every morning this is my routine:

  1. MSNBC - My homepage. Scan the top really quick for the red "breaking news" banner. check main stories then scroll down. I scan the weather then scroll down to Entertainment. I rarely click on one of their links, I just like to see what they are talking about.
  2. Perez - Gossip galore. Sure, he draws white penises and coke drips on celebrities, but his news is funny and the girl gets the dirt!
  3. I check in with my sister at LaRivera. I LOVE that she blogs every day, I feel like I know her so much better. I'll visit this site several times to re-read the post if it's something cool that Nico is doing (or I'm mentioned).
  4. I see what Craig is up to over at Puntabulous. Good. Dorky. Fun. His site isn't updated every day so it's more like a check to see if there's anything new.
  5. I head over to Go Fug Yourself to see what crazy celebrity outfit they are ripping apart. I love the way they put things, it makes me laugh a lot.
  6. Finally I navigate my way to The Life of Jennifer to see what my cousin is up to.
Once that's over it's about 8am. I check email, get another cup off coffee... I feel like I'm caught up with everything and can officially start my day.

PS. It's Blogathon week 2, Beatles songs. I have to tell you this may be my favorite one yet. Subject lyrics from A day in the life.


Jennifer said...

This may be my favorite blogathon theme as well. I was actually thinking that with The Beatles we could have even done a bubblegum week to their early years and an LSD week to their later years...there's just SO much to choose from!