Monday, March 24, 2008

Outside is there anyone

Spring is here, and thank God because I am jonesing for the sunlight. I also need to begin some kind of exercise. My gaming habit has caused my rear end to become almost the exact size of the chair I sit in. Not good. Plus, rumor has it, there are people out there. All I need right now is one friend here. One person who's house I can go over for a drink, someone to run to the store with or maybe watch a tv show with during the week (not Friends though Jen, never Friends). At this point I would even settle for someone to just chat with for a few minutes as I walked by their house.

I've come to realize that this is not going to magically happen on its own and my Jeannie head doink trick is still broken, so it looks like I've got to get off of my chair-shaped ass and breath in the fresh air.

It's about time.

Subject line from Duran Duran's Is there anyone out there.