Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Vantage Point

We went to the movies last night, yes, you're on the right blog, we left the house! It was great. There were 5 people total in the movie theater and we were the first two in there.

The movie is done like nothing I've ever seen. It shows the point of view from 8 different people as separate stories and then ties them all together in an hour and a half. Even the way they rewound after one segment and before the next was cool. Plus I've got this weird thing for Dennis Quaid ever since he played the Dan Marino-esque character in Any Given Sunday. I definitely recommend the rent if you don't catch it in the theaters.


La Rivera said...

I've had a Dennis Quaid thing ever since "Dinner with Friends". Weird!

Anonymous said...

Hottie ever since he was a "Cutter" in Breaking Away! :)