Well... we got a Wii Fit. What in tarnation is a Wii Fit you ask?
It's a freaking blast. It's got 4 sections; Yoga, strength training, aerobics and balance games. I haven't spent much time so far in Yoga or stregnth training but I love love love aerobics (weird, right?) and balance games... but here's the cool thing. You associate you Mii ("me", a little cartoon character that you create to represent you on the Wii no matter which game you're playing) with your profile and it evaluates and tracks your progress. It tells your weight, how off your center of balance is, and your BMI (body mass index). It also gives you a Wii Fit age, sort of like with everything you tell it, height, birthday and the little tests it runs you through it says "this is how old you are by my calculations". Mine is 55... 55!!! My Mom's was like 58, and mine is 55. So... onto the Wii I've gone 2 nights in a row. I'm going to try and put in 30 minutes a day, and I'm 2 for 2 so far. It charts your progress too, so if you use it right you can watch the little bar graph go doooown. For now though I'm happy just hula-hoopin' in my living room :)
Oh it's Wizard of Oz Blogathon week kids, and this time around we've got a new blog-mate. Karen is going to try and join us should Princess Livi give her a moment to herself each day, you can read her blog HERE... and of course my cousin Jennifer will be Lollipop Gang-ing away with me HERE. In honor of this weeks themes I'd like to share with you license plate on the front of my car (PA residents need only a rear plate, I found this one 2 years ago and had to have it):
*Blog title from "Merry Old Land of Oz".
Friday, June 06, 2008
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