Sunday, July 20, 2008

Believe the Hype

We went to see The Dark Knight tonight at a regular movie theater. I say "regular" because we are also going to see it in IMAX. The movie was great. I have to be honest, I was not expecting to like Heath Ledger in it, but he is FANTASTIC. Funny, weird little ticks, the way he moves... brilliant. I won't say too much because I don't want to ruin it, but you should go see it. Now. What the heck are you waiting for? Go.

PS. For Katie Holmes (who's tuned DOWN the opportunity to reprise her role as Rachael and was replaced by perpetually sad puppy dog looking Maggie Gyllenhal).

Dear Katie Holmes,
Go rent Pretty Woman. Fast forward about 1/3 of the way through the movie, right to the part where Julia Roberts goes back into that store to "ha ha in your face" the snooty sales lady. Pay close attention to the words spoken by Julia as I'm sure they are swarming through your head right now. "Big misake. Big. Huge". Dark Knight had the biggest opening weekend in movie history. $155 million in 3 days. 3 days! Keep on making those gems like Mad Money, I'm sure Tom's movie career will pick back up soon. That kickin' haircut he's sporting should really help.


La Rivera said...

While technically I am on blog vacation, I got online to check my email and read your page. I have so been looking forward to seeing Heath in this role. I'm glad you gave it thumbs up, cause we usually like the same movies. Now if only you lived closer, I would get you to babysit while I got out the the theater... :D Love you!