Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Dear Folk Festival Lady

Dear Lady at the Folk Festival,

Yeah, you in the shorts... Hi. Get the F**k out of my picture. Seriously. You walked directly into 4 different pictures I was taking in the past 15 minutes chasing your ugly kid around the Folk Festival. She's not that cute. Trust me, my kid is cute, I know. The first time it was ok, it happens, and I even did the polite "oh, excuse me" and moved out of your way. The next three times were all you and your rudeness. You're lucky my mom was with me or I'd have whacked you upside your head with your bag of Kettle Korn. In fact, my Mom would have broken out her bag and whacked you herself so you're lucky I didn't tell her about you until AFTER I took this picture. Now get out of the way and let my kid frolic.

Next time how about juuust a little bit of courtesy? Kthxbai*

PS. 1987 called and would like those shorts and that ankle bracelet back.

*(k, thanks, bye)


La Rivera said...

Hey Folk Festival Lady, I think your kid is poopin' her pants.