Sunday, August 31, 2008

If you can't be an athlete you can be an athletic supporter

Kaeleigh is in both band and chorus this year in high school. Already I have seen papers come home about being a band "booster". Volunteer here, donate there. Since it's fall they are selling things at football games and similar events. East Penn High School's mascot it the panther so everyone is encouraged to show their "panther pride". I myself am now the proud owner of one of those lovely (read: ridiculous) flags that you roll up in your car window. I purchased it from Kae, the first I'm sure in what is going to be a decent collection of "prod panther parent" gear.

In the September Friday night skating gets shoved aside if the football team is playing at home. We're still getting used to this idea even though we let her go to some games last year. Skating seems like more of a controlled atmosphere, but there are more parents around at the football games. There's always discussion on the way to whichever activity it is... "don't leave with anybody","no smoking, you know I'll be able to smell it if you're smoking","don't fight", "behave yourself".. all get nods, smile's, eye rolls, and "yes, mom/dad's". We know she doesn't watch the game but she has a great time and that, dear reader, is just fine with us.

Title line spoken by Principal McGee