Saturday, August 30, 2008

The rules are there are no rules

Marriage is funny. Actually, I guess any kind of living with someone situation can be applied here... something goes undone for a long time, lets just say dishes for example... say two people live together and one feels like they do a lot more than their share of the dishes. The person who does more dishes doesn't necessarily like to do dishes more, it's that dirty dishes sitting in the sink bug them more than they do the person without the dishpan hands. So, they do the dishes to avoid having to look at them, and secretly (knowingly or not) resent the other person for their lesser contribution. That is just silly.

but... that's how I feel a lot around here. Then what? Talking? Been done. Yelling? We don't yell. It's just not us. I laugh when I hear (or read) stories from my sisters about fights with their husbands. Both of them do it, and their stories are pretty similar. That works for them, and that's just fine. Drew and I have never had a fight, like a real yelling match or anything. He knows that things bother me, it's not that he does it on purpose, but he works 12 hour days and when he comes home the last thing he wants to do is housework. I'm sure I'd feel the same way. I know if I go to a site for work and it turns out to be a longer day there's no way in hell I'm cooking dinner (I should mention here that never is it expected that I cook. I just do.). It bothers me, but not enough to fight about it... but every once in a while I just get frustrated with it. Then I go on a little "Liz rant" or do it in some passive aggressive kind of way (cough blog post cough) and all of a sudden things are gettin' done :) It's odd and cooky and for some reason right now it's working for us.

PS. for Drew, <3.

**Update** Oddly enough my sister posted a very similar blog tonight right HERE.

Title spoken by "Craterface" before the big car race in the movie"


La Rivera said...

I swear I wrote tonight's entry before I read this.