Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cinnaminni Goodness

Yesterday we were early for Kae's dentist appointment so we decided to pop into the Dollar General store that shares the dentist parking lot. I'm not a huge fan of Dollar General, and don't let the name fool you, they are not a dollar store, but I digress. We've strolled through it a few times before, it's a cheap place for school supplies and teenager make-up, that sort of thing. Right now Dollar General, like most retail stores, has out all of their Halloween stuff plus like 4 mini-aisles of Christmas stuff. As we were strolling through there was this wonderfull smell of cinnamon right in the center of the store... not some sweetened over-powering scent (you know how I am with the smells), but this delicios smell like someone just crushed up a cinnamon stick.

It was the second time in the store that I had noticed the scent, so I knew right where to look, at the small cardboard box of brooms sitting right in the middle of the store. After 2 or 3 passes I had Kae pick one out of the box and we bought one (only $5!). We put it in the living room last night when we came home and Kae and I both think it makes the house smell like Christmas. I need to find some kind of dark, red-ish ribbon for it I think, make it a little more decorative, but other than that it's staying in the livingroom until the last whif of cinnamon is gone. If you happen to pass a Dollar General in your travels just stop in and look for them, you'll be glad you did.


La Rivera said...

OMG I fell in love with the cinnamon brooms at Wegman's and I had one until the day we moved out. They smell sooo good!