Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So tweasure your wuv

I've been getting stressed lately about some slight pressure over what to do for my birthday. It's my birthday, right? Why should there be any stress? It seems that by living so far away I've spoiled any hope of surprise party and am constantly foiling any plans that people try and make around me. Mwah ah ahhhhh

Here's the thing with that... it's not really a surprise to me that I'm turning 40. If there's going to be a party I know pretty much who will come and it's not like I'm going to enjoy any event less if I know about it beforehand. There's been so much celebration for me this past year that I feel a little greedy saying "Let's celebrate me yet again". Of course this time it will be more casual :) In saying this I feel like I'm coming off as ungrateful, right? "Oh... woe to me" (Say like Andrea Martin in My Big Fat Greek Wedding). Trust me, I know how lucky I am to have these people in my life and to be so loved.

"I love you" is thrown around like crazy in my family. We say it to each other all the time... Kae leaves for school or goes to sleep, Drew IM's me randomly, a hug as I walk by Kae's room... "I love you". I say it when I'm on the phone with Christie, email with Karen or texting with Mere, and I mean it fully whenever I say it. It's this wonderful thing for me, like, it's the shorter and less sappy version of "I don't know what I would ever do without you. Please know that you make my life special in a way that nobody else can, and for that I thank you".

So to those who have tried to make plans for my birthday only to have me squash them, and to those who could care less what we do as long as we do it together... I love you.

*Subject line from The Princess Bride.

**PS... hey Karen like the picture?


Jennifer said...

Do what you want for your birthday -- it's your day afetr all! I suggest spending it with those you love the most -- Drew and Kae.

Oh, and I love you.

La Rivera said...

I like that picture. And I love you.

Wuv. Twooo wuv...