The picture above was an email I received yesterday on my phone from my sister Christie (did I scare ya?). This marks the fifth time she's shared news like this with me and I'm truly happy for them... I think they are nuts and in need of a hobby... but they are great with kids and, really for them, at this point what's one more?
I'm happy to report also that the new Wagner on the way will officially mean kicking Drew's ass in the "nieces and nephews" category with 7 to his 6... hee hee
*Subject line from the song Reproduction sung in the movie Grease 2. Is it weird that two of my favorite movies have Maxwell Caulfield in them?
Yyyyeah! This is pretty cool news. Congrats to my sister's sister :D
I saw that stick and broke out in a cold sweat.
I used to love that hottie from Grease 2. I wonder what he's doing these days...
I heard about this yesterday. It went from Nanny to my mom to me to Jessie. Geez, they sure like having kids.
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