Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Say it out loud... Vampire

Last night, in lieu of family dinner, we headed to the movie theater to see Twilight. If I wasn't an avid reader of gossip sites or didn't have a 14 year old daughter I would be lost as to what the fuss is about this movie, so let me clue you in. Twilight is a 4 book series written my Stephenie Meyer. The easiest way I can describe it is it's the Harry Potter of vampire stories (with a better looking cast). Edward Cullen is the name of the main character, a 17 year old vampire. The theater was full of giggling teenage girls just waiting for Edward's pale face and unwashed messy hair style to appear on the big screen. They immediately silenced when the lights went out which amazed me. The giggling resurfaced for just a minute for the first on-screen kiss, but what can you expect from teenage girls? The movie was good, more funny parts than we expected and some cool "sci-fi channel afternoon movie" effects.

I didn't expect to like the movie as much as I did, neither did Drew. The movie is different in that the vampires it follows aren't the mean ones we've seen again and again, but actually likable. There are bad vampires in the movie, and it is a love story, but I thought it was told very well and the story moved quickly. I'm interested to see if the book is as good so that's going on my reading list next... if Kae lets me borrow the book :)