Monday, December 08, 2008

He's Mr. Heat Blister...

Today the installation of our natural gas heater began. It was a day full of pounding, drilling, banging and hammering. A day for Tylenol if ever there was one. They arrived at about 7:15 this morning and left after 4 taking no breaks. They ran a gas line inside which they were not expecting to have to do in the basement. They connected our gas powered fake wood burning stove to the outside line and even got it started for us (the initial starting each year is quite a pain in the ass). They removed the monstrosity of an old heater and brought the new one down which was half the size.

Tomorrow they will be hooking up the new heater, putting in the new thermostat, sealing up everything that needs sealing and hopefully do a lot less banging... by Wednesday it will be like Key West in here :)

*Title from the Heat Miser song in The Year Without a Santa Clause


Jennifer said...

So, in the meantime, do you not have heat? Come Wednesday, whatever you touch will melt in your clutch.