Saturday, April 18, 2009

5 Random Saturday

5 random things you should know about the blogger challenge that starts today (this post not included)

  1. This week's challenge not only includes myself and my cousin Jennifer, but also my sister Karen and Jennifer's forever friend Toni (who's blog Karen and I also read). Don't forget to check all 4 each day.
  2. This weeks topic will be "Songs of the 70's" so all blog titles will feature lyrics from that decade.
  3. The challenge is finding the lyrics to match what you want to say, not so much a challenge against each other. Sometimes the lyrics you find give you an idea for a post.
  4. Past blogger challenges have included Christmas music, songs of the 60's and Duran Duran lyrics.
  5. Anyone can join in on the challenge. Let us know and we'll link to your blog too :)

OK ladies time to get out those bell-bottoms and peace necklaces and get our blog on.


Happy Me said...

Count me in! :-)