Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sometimes it snows in April....

And sometimes it's 90 freaking degrees! Umm... hello? Wasn't I just scraping ice off my windshield last week? Have you noticed that in the past few years we've managed to totally lose spring all together? Right from winter to summer with nothing in between. Now, I'm the kind of person who will have their air on all the time. I'd rather pay an enormous electric bill than sweat in my house, but I refuse to turn the air on in April. Refuse. All windows were open all weekend, we even put the screens in the doors. I love love love a breeze flowing through the house, just may have to wait for October before we see one.

*Blog title from "Sometimes it Snows in April" off of the soundtrack from Under the Cherry Moon by Prince. I saw that movie at a midnight showing in London with my cousins Jennifer and Marianne. Under any other circumstances the movie would have sucked, but not that night, that night it was amazing.

It's favorite song week here at the blogarama, going into week #2 of the Blogger Challenge. Feel the burn! Check out my fellow blogging family under my links section to the right.


Jennifer said...

I saw the title of your post and let out an audible sigh. I have such memories of that song, that night, that trip. Lovely song choice.