Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Wrath of Jen

Commercials on TV are adorned with bows, gifts and carols. The lights are up (and I still say white lights are a cop out) and the float sized blow up lawn ornaments are out in full force. My very best friend loves this time of year. The decorations, the music, movies, you name it and she's a fan if it's Christmassy (and tasteful). She also loves the cold, but she is undoubtedly a bigger fan of Christmas.

Friday night as Drew, Kae and I were driving home from seeing family we were scanning the radio stations and at least half of them were playing Christmas music. Two of my favorite local channels have already gone all Christmas. I turned to Drew and said "I blame Jen for all this" and then did a Wrath of Khan style yell to emphasize my point. Yesterday we hit a little Christmas overload as when we were out and Drew did the yell too. I can see this continuing throughout the holiday season. It makes me smile and think of my bff, her beautiful tree, the upcoming holidays, and of course Ricardo Montalban without a shirt :)


mug said...

Awww :) Thanks! And have a Holly Jolly Christmas!!!

PS...I am watching the Hallmark movie, "A Dog Named Christmas!"