Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thankful for... Modern Convenience

It's a BLOGATHON week kids! All week Cousin Jennifer, our friend Toni (OMG) and I will be blogging every day with the topic of "thankful". Right now I am the thankful for online ticket ordering. We are sitting on the floor at our local IMAX movie theater waiting for the doors to open so we can see the latest Harry Potter movie. We got here about 20 minutes ago and there are about 2 dozen people in line in front of us. Sitting in line with me, and beautifully pictured above, are Kaeleigh and her friend Kaycee, and my husband, the Druman. The line behind us was huge for this sold out show, you can see it behind the girls in the goofy picture below. In the grand scheme of things I am way more thankful for them than I am online ordering, but I don't want to blow all my good topics on the first day.

I think in our lives it's good to be thankful for the little things, so every day after my main post I'll be listing a few from my day.

Today I was thankful for:
  1. Cranberry Danish and hot coffee
  2. Taking a nice long walk with Drew
  3. That we were able to take a friend of Kae's along with us, and pay her way
  4. Drew's allergy attack that he was suffering through all day subsided 15 minutes into the movie.
  5. Turkey Hill Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream
  6. The Walking Dead... which comes on in 10 minutes or so, so I'm out of here.
The movie was fantastic by the way. See you tomorrow.


toni said...

ooh, I want to see that.
Sounds like a nice day. Gotta say, I'd be all over that peanut butter ice cream.

Jennifer said...

I stole the title style from Toni, by the way! Love this post! I am hoping that we all post about the serious and the silly along the way, as that is what makes up our lives after all. So jealous you saw Harry Potter!