Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thankful for... songs that instantly change my mood

Today I was driving and quite honestly I was a big cranky pants. The past 2 days have just been sucky and I was not looking forward to my site visit, even though it was a quick one. As I turned the corner with about 2 miles to work Hazy Shade of Winter came on the radio. I turned my radio up and sang the Bangles with all my heart. Isn't it funny how the simplest thing can just turn your mood around? I was instantly transported back to the 80's, watching Andrew McCarthy, Jamie Gertz, non-bloated James Spader and coked up RDJ, and my mood was lifted.

Other songs I am thankful for:
  1. The Joker by Steve miller
  2. At This Moment by Billy Vera & The Beaters (sung loudly with your BFF)
  3. You're an Original by Sheryl Crow
  4. Spice Up Your Life by the Spice Girls (yeah, I said it)
  5. All I Want for Christmas is You by Mariah Carey (the only song of hers I like)
  6. The Reflex by Duran Duran


Jennifer said...

I couldn't get in to see that movie when it came out. I was denied because I was under 17. Squish, squish.