- I love olive juice. I'm not talking about in the occasional dirty Sapphire martini, though those are delicious, I mean like right out of the jar. Not a glass of it, just a sip as I take an olive or two. Love it. It reminds me of the ocean, that salty taste on your lips as you're walking out. Crisp and cold.
- When I'm angry, like really just need to drown everything out angry, I listen to Guns N' Roses Appetite for Destruction very loud, or Corrine Baily Rae (self titled) very softly. Such a contradiction.
- I have never seen, and frequently knock, all the housewives shows. Yet I love Cops, Jail, and Parking wars. Hey, I didn't say these made sense.
- I am addicted to checking the weather. At least ten times a day I'm clicking the radar on AccuWeather.com.
- I watch and love horror movies. I know they aren't real. Yet, still I will not sit out in my back yard by myself at night, and never, ever will I go swimming at night or canoeing on a lake alone.
Cousin Jennifer and I are having a Blogger Challenge week. Every day for a week we'll be posting using the same topic, Top 5. Be sure to check for her pearls of wisdom. If you're coming here from her site, welcome.
PS... Be careful what you click on when you Google Image search "dirty martini". OOF!
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