- HBO on Demand. Game of Thrones just ended it's first season and we are trying to catch up on True Blood Season 3 before 4 begins next week. Each show is captivating in it's own way and with hotties like Jon Snow and Alcide what's not to like?
- Scott Pilgrim vs. the World - The graphic novel style filming, the Culkin brother, Sex bob-omb. All so very amusing.
- Tumblr. I'm working on a Tumblr page for a photo blog. Little to no narrative, just the world as I see it.
- Tending my little garden. Pinching back, pulling the odd weed, watering things properly. I just love it.
- Sticking a lolcat picture in an email to the BFF. Trying to make the other one laugh and forget whatever the problem of the day is. It's silly, but it gets quite amusing.
Cousin Jennifer and I are having a Blogger Challenge week. Every day for a week we'll be posting using the same topic, Top 5. Be sure to check for her pearls of wisdom.
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