Thursday, October 04, 2012

Let's try this again, shall we?

This past weekend several people have suggested to me that I need to start blogging again.  I was thinking of starting it up again as soon as Kae left for school, but really the stuff I was typing was just sad.  The beginning was really hard.  Living up here and working from home I have very little face to face time with anybody other than Drew and Kae, and then Kae went off to college.  The person who I talked girly stuff with was no longer around, and that was hard.  Still is, but I'm handling it better.

So now I'm left with this... what the heck do I blog about?  You all see my Facebook page, you know the updates, do I do special things here just for blog readers?  Pictures?  Adventures?  Who knows.  Here's what I can tell you.  I'll try and post once a week, and I promise no duplicate posts from my Facebook page.  It's time.