Sunday, January 14, 2007

The New Job

As many of you know, I started my new job on January 2nd. I'll be the Central PA technician for the company. When I'm not out at a customer's location or in the home office I'll be working from home. This is a dream come true! I get to see Kae off to school and be there when she gets home on days when I don't have anything scheduled! The company has provided me with terrific equipment and great support.

When I work from home I'll be doing routine maintenance for customers from the comfort of my home office and taking support calls from there as well. I still need to buy a real desk (once I get a real paycheck) but for now my setup looks like this:

Here are my office mates, Max and Sara, slacking as usual.


Jennifer said...

I'm so glad the job is going well...and I'm totally jealous you get to work from home sometimes!