Every morning when I worked at ISG my friend Jason and I (and Drew when he worked there) would have "Coffee Time". This was nothing more than leaving our desks for about 10 minutes to go brew a fresh pot of coffee and each grab a cup. No big whoop (said in the Mike Myers Coffee Tawk voice). A little over a year ago Jason started also working at Starbucks and it didn't take long before he began bringing a French Press to work. This turned Coffee Time into something special as he also brought whatever his current favorite coffee was from Starbucks. I became addicted to the French Press.
I'm on call this week for work which basically means that my work phone goes wherever I do. If any of our customers need immediate technical assistance they leave a message with our phone service. The phone service then sends me a text message and follows it up about 10 minutes later with a phone call. The last time I was on call I spend my Sunday night and well into Monday morning at a customer's site trying to fix the problem. It's a 5 week rotation at work so being on call isn't really all that bad, but this morning (Saturday) at 5am I got a call. It was the customer whose site I spent so much time at the last time (dun dun duuuuun) .
At 5am a tech's very best friend is the French Press. VERY BEST!!!!
I was able to get the customer up and running again from home, but the adrenaline from the panic I felt at the 5am text message is keeping me from going back to sleep. It's OK though, Max is curled up at my feet, the sun is coming up, and I've got a nice hot press of coffee all to myself to enjoy. Oh, and bonus, the work phone sends pretty decent pictures like the one above.
Cancel that last all warm and cozy "life is good" paragraph, my phone just went off again. Good thing I have the coffee.
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