Saturday, March 29, 2008

Corner of a main street

I took this picture in California last month. The purpose of this picture was to get the Sunset Boulevard sign with the palm trees in the shot. Little did I know I'd also be taking a picture of my new left coast love... In-n-out Burger. I'd heard of In-n-out before, maybe mentioned on tv or in a movie or something, but had never eaten there. During one of the site visits a few of the guys went out and picked up lunch for us, and he brought me back a double-double with fries.

The burgers come in these wrappers, almost like fry bags, that make them less messy to hold and easy to eat (no I didn't the burger picture). The fries come in the little red and white paper baskets that all fries should come in. They are fresh cut, and not those skinny little drive thru fries. I'm not a burger person, but these things were amazing. Every time I think about it my mouth waters. The only problem is, you can't get them here. California, Nevada, and Arizona are the only 3 states that have locations. The guys in CA told me that it's because the grandmother that owns the company wants to keep it on the west coast. Meanie.

Subject line from Save a Prayer.


Jennifer said...

VERY clever use of a subject line!!! I want a burger.

La Rivera said...

Aw now you and Frank can talk about In-n-Out. He loved those burgers. He still sings the theme song.

Anonymous said...


I'm Jennifer's friend in Arizona. I just started reading your blog. I love all your pics and video inserts. Plus, your use of obscure Duran Duran lyrics is pretty darn good.

There is an In-and-Out 4 miles north of me. And ya know, I've never eaten there. I have had them in LA (and LOOVED the pants off it) but when it's right around the corner, the mystique wears off. It's a strange thing. Now, all of our Dunkin Donuts have gone under and I'm cravin one in the worst way.