Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I Don't Think We're in Kansas Anymore

Well this is not fun. There's a wicked storm blowing around outside. The alarm on the company located right outside my window has gone off twice now for ten minutes at a time. The tv in my room is "searching for satellite signal" so I have zero channels out of the available 15 to watch. Thankfully the internet is still up. Right now I would give anything for a pair of ruby slippers.

Right after I published this post for the first time the power in the hotel went out. Sitting alone in a dark hotel room is FREAKY... but I'm not blowing a good Wiz quote I'm planning on using later in this blogathon. For now I'll just say Dorothy was right.

*Blog title from Dorothy speaking with Toto.


Anonymous said...

I watched the storm blow in from my deck...LOVIN' my deck :) Felt the temp drop, lightening & thunder rolling in. Just missining my storm buddy and a cocktail :) Be safe and not freaked out too much. Love!