Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Herself the Elf

There was a Christmas party tonight at Kaeleigh's church youth group and there was a costume contest. Kaeleigh won "most Christmassy" or somthing similar to that. The top prize winners came as Mr. Heatmiser and Mr. Freeze, but there were only 3 winners in all and she was one of them.

We had no pattern for this, just 6 yards of felt and some glue. I have to give Kae full credit for the dress shape. She designed it herself and we made some cut-outs to go on it. The shoes are my favorite part.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait for these pictures to resurface in 30 years

Anonymous said...

That is Christmas-tastic!!!! LOVE IT!!! She Elfed herself! Great job ladies!

Anonymous said...

I taught her everything she knows about sewing and dress design (ahem)!!!

G Mom

Anonymous said...

Kae, you ROCK!!!!! And Liz
Anne that flashy thing was just the twinkling light on my roof. Yeah, right!!


Jennifer said...

That's a reason that Katherine is my favorite! (Except for her mother, of coarse!)