Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ohhh Fuuuuuudgggggge

So.. I'm sick. I've been sick since Sunday with some kind of stomach bug. Food has been my enemy since Monday and it's not been a fun ride lemme tell ya. My least favorite part of being sick like this is that my limited jaw opening makes for, well, let's just say an icky process when I can't keep food down.

Today I woke up feeling great. I had to go to a customers site. Armed with 2 bottles of water I got all my work done with no problem. The room I was working in was right next to their lunchroom and someone was making what smelled like a hot roast beef sandwich and the smell was making me sooo hungry. All day I was fine, water stayed down (which was better than yesterday) and I had energy that I didn't have all week. I got home STARVING, hungry for the first time all week and decided to throw caution to the wind and have some peanut butter on bread.... I was fine until just before dinner. Then ohhhh fuuuuudgggge... Sick again.

Maybe tomorrow.

*Title line from A Christmas Story


Jennifer said...

Just remember the advice I texted you the other night...