Monday, January 26, 2009

Just when I think I am done

Day 4 or 5 of my cold.

I've gone from sniffly to runny to stuffy. Next I lost my sense of taste. Ten years ago that would be the end of my cold. A few days of tissues, some Nyquil and I'd be good as gold. Now it seems like it takes a few boxes of puffs plus and a variety of liquids and pills.

Sidebar: Did you know that around 75% of what you think is taste is really the smell we associate with the food? That's why when you get all stuffed up it seems like you can't taste anything.

I can now taste things again, but the cold has moved down to my chest and I have this deep cough that doubles me over and makes my head ache. Tonight, because I am no longer on call, I am having a double hot toddy and hitting the sheets right after 24.

Tomorrow, in anticipation of full blown cough day, I will carry around and pop Ricola like they are Altoids. Hopefully this cold is on the way out!

*Blog title #98 from 100 Blog Topics I Hope You Write.


Jennifer said...

If I lived near you I would bring you homemade chicken noodle soup, a tub of Vicks Vapo Rub, and Annie on DVD.

Liz Anne said...

I was putting some Vicks on my chest the other day and Drew said "You're supposed to eat that, right?" with a big smile on his face. Ah Nan :)

La Rivera said...

Um, I just have to say... Riiiicolaaaaaaa!