Friday, March 06, 2009

Catching Up

It feels like I haven't posted in forever. It's been a little busy around here and the blog just hasn't made it to the top of the list. I've been on-call this week at my job which has been taking up more of my time than usual these days. Tech shortages and needy customers have been taking their toll on my social life (such as it is) and motivation to do anything, especially work related.

The highlight of our week has been Drew's 29th birthday. We had some fabulous Omaha Steaks for dinner (thanks Aunt Eileen) and a devils food cake with chocolate buttercream frosting direct from Rosettes. A mild celebration for such a wonderful man. We kept the night kinda calm, you never know when a call will come in and ruin nightly plans. On-call ends Monday at 9am, we'll make further celebration plans then. He's worth a parade if you ask me.