Sunday, March 01, 2009

We are Family

For those of you not sure of the exact order...

1. My youngest sister is Meredith. She and I have the same Dad.
2. Next comes Christie whose Mom married my Dad when she was very young.
3. The next oldest is Karen, who is only 6 days older than Christie. Karen and I have the same Mother.
4. Fran is the only sibling I have the exact same parents with...

... and today is his birthday, Happy Birthday Brother.

*UPDATE - After reading this post I feel the need to post this disclaimer: It doesn't matter to me who I share what parents with (if any) when it comes to the list above. As you all know my sisters are just "my sisters". I don't believe in "half- or step-" when it comes to them. I don't feel the title suits them as there is no half love there :)


Anonymous said...

I sooo know what you mean!!


Anonymous said...

I agree.

My sister Nikki is technically my 1/2 sister....but I have never seen her that way...(Heck I didn't even know till I was like 12)

It always bugs me when people say "You mean your 1/2 sister?" When I talk about her...

Like punch them in the nono zone annoyed.....

Seriously....1/2 1/3 1/% 1/whathaveyou doesn't make me love her any less people :P

La Rivera said...

I think it's great we love each other 100%. That is family.

toni said...

OKay, that was funny to read. Still trying to figure it all out. I have 2 1/2's and would resent when anyone referred to them that way growing up. Family is family.