Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Cut my heal, had to cruise on back home..."

Hello loyal Liz-blog-a-thon-readers!

It's your favorite mystery guest, the hubby.  I'm winding down my day, alone... because Liz's job is keeping her from me yet another night.  She works so hard for our family, I'm a lucky guy.

Today, I was grumpy.. too grumpy.  In fact, it's getting worse, at work anyway.  I am happy to report that I haven't snapped at the family, but it seems like any little inconvenience or interruption in my work day is a federal offense.  It's not fair to the people who work for me.  At least I know about it, and I'm getting better at catching myself before I say something too bad... but MAN do we need a vacation.

Every day at lunch I look through websites with cruises, and trips to Key West, wishing that we had the money, and time off to take a really good, long vacation this summer.  Then, someone knocks on my door and the whole thing crumbles.

I should be happy.  Business is picking up, Kae's doing great... smiling every day and growing like a weed, Liz and I are still laughing every day... I guess the pressure of the quality of the product, and the endless todo list that seems to keep growing instead of shrinking is weighing me down so hard that I wish I had a "frozen concoction to help me hang on".

Preach on Jimmy, preach on.

Subject is from Margaritaville - released in 1977. 


GSMuma said...
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mug said...

Hi Drew!!! Great song choice! And I hear what you are saying. We all just have to hang in there and hope for the best.

Have a great weekend guys!


ps..LOL...the word verification that I have to type in is...buffery. Kinda fitting :)

Jennifer said...

DREW!!!! How I love thee!

La Rivera said...

Drew! Woot!