Tuesday, March 09, 2010


Dear Ladies of my Right Margin, TAG you’re it. It’s a quick and easy blog post, just copy this over and back out my answers to make room for yours.

Three names you go by:

1. Lizzy

2. Mom
3. Babe

Three things you are wearing right now:
1. Comfy pants

2 Wedding ring
3. Fuzzy socks

Three things you want very badly at the moment:

1. Our own home

2. Vacation with blue water
3. More coffee

Three people you are certain who will answer :

1. Jennifer

2. Karen

3. Darci

4. Toni (I know that's 4 but I couldn't leave her out).

Three of your favorite foods:
1. Crab

2. Chocolate

3. Blue Cheese Burgers

Three people you last talked to on the phone:

1. Kae

2. Drew

3. Apple Guy

Three things you are going to do tomorrow:
1. Make banana muffins

2. Collect pine cones

3. Host game night

Three of your favorite beverages:
1. Pepsi

2. Pumpkin spice cappuccino

3. Salty dog

Have fun!! :) and BE HONEST!!!


toni said...

how did I miss this blog post? Did I fall asleep for a while, or was it interspersed in here after the fact? hmm..

Happy Me said...

Yeah- I missed it too somehow!!!

How did that happen??

Liz Anne said...

It's not you ladies... it's me :) I had this sitting in my drafts folder, finally completed it, and didn't realize that when I did it would be back dated to the day I stared it. Sorry for the confusion.