Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Poor Love

For those who don't know, Drew has been basically confined to bed since September 14th. He threw his back out in mid August. He sneezed in the shower, that's how it happened. I've thrown mine out on a sneeze before, and it's the dumbest way ever to do it. Totally blows. It felt worse than anything he's done before. He went to the doctors and was doing physical therapy. Things were getting better, he was walking fine, stretching, improving every day... then all of a sudden he took a dramatic turn for the worse. On the 14th it changed, he could no longer stand without pain. Last week insurance finally approved an MRI (picture above in the waiting room once he got off the floor). It revealed he had severe compression on 2 of his disks. Monday of this week he received an epidural steroid injection. These injections typically take 2-7 days to fully work. Since he is unable to stand or sit up without pain he's spent the past 2+ weeks in bed.

It's iffy at this point if he will be able to make the drive with us to NJ this weekend for the big bash, as it's 2 hours sitting up in the car, but we'll jump off that bridge when we come to it. Keep him in your prayers kids. I know he's in mine.


Jess said...

He's definitely in my thoughts and prayers! Looking forward to seeing you guys (hopefully including Drew!) on Sunday!

Happy Me said...

Back pain is the worst!! He's in my prayers!!

toni said...

I knew something was up from FB, but didn't know what. I'm so sorry! it sounds absolutely debilitating! We will be thinking of you guys. :)