Saturday, February 13, 2010

Medium Rare with Mustard 'Be Nice

On my trip to California in 2009 I was introduced to the culinary delight that is In-n-Out burgers. In-N-Out has a very simple menu: cheeseburger, hamburger, french fries, shakes. That's it. There's no nuggets, no salads. It's a burger joint plain and simple.

In-N-Out is a private, family owned company with no plans to franchise. They are solely a Western US chain. This makes their burgers even MORE attractive to me in an "always want what you can't have" kind of way.

In-N-Out has a "secret menu" which is simply different ways to order their food. You can order it 3x3 or 4x4 if you'd like 3 or 4 beef patties instead of the normal one, or 2 provided in the double-double. You can order protein style in which the burger is wrapped in lettuce instead of a bun, or grilled cheese which is everything but the meat. My favorite way, which I stumbled across while reading is animal style. It's hand leafed lettuce, tomato, pickle, extra spread, grilled onions and mustard is fried onto the beef patty. I was sick as a dog on my trip out to California last month, but still managed to drag my ass to In-N-Out, tormenting my jealous sister Meredith with pictures of it as I was in the drive through line (Mere loves them too).

Behold the beauty that is my Double-Double, animal style.

Title from Jimmy Buffett's "Cheeseburger in Paradise"


Happy Me said...

Looks wonderful! Freinds of mine once missed a flight home because they HAD to stop there for burgers! :-)

toni said...

There is nothing like In-and-Out. Glad you got to go there. When Scot and I were moving to SF twelve years ago, we stopped at one in Palm Springs. Scot went nuts (animal style) and proceeded to get rid of it about 100 miles down the road, at a truck stop. I don't think it was the burger that made him sick, but we still like to talk about him getting sick "animal style."